“Have dominion over your awareness,
and you’ll have dominion over your destiny.”

When my first mentor said this to me, something clicked. I became obsessed with mental science—gaining dominion over my mind and all the wild activity that lived there.

Through lots of struggle, including welfare, chronically overdrawn bank accounts, disconnected utilities, rotating career pursuits, and relentless dramatic co-parenting attempts, I finally got it:

I am the gardener of my mind. (And so are you.)

Its soil is in my care. When I am tending and tilling my subconscious mind, I am weeding it of self-criticism, blame, shame, drama, and trauma. Not dissimilar from a garden bed, I must intentionally plant seeds of love, appreciation, peace, creativity, and curiosity in order to grow.

For me, that means daily practice. It means self-care. It means taking time with myself, for myself, and listening (and often taming) the voices I hear.

Over time, I have found my mind is lush, beautiful, colorful, inspiring, calming, and restorative. It still requires maintenance and regular weeding, but it’s so much easier than the alternative.

Everything in your life has been uniquely organized to provide you with the skills, expertise, grit, and ingenuity to be a perfect contribution to your community…wherever you choose to create community.

When you look at the tapestry of your life, ask yourself:

  • Why am I here?
  • What do I have to give?
  • What is the most amazing trait I possess?
  • What negative voices do I need to work on?
  • How can I show myself more love on a daily basis?

It’s not always easy to tune in and stay connected to your purpose, but it is possible. Beyond that, it’s mandatory.

Now raising four children with a partner that is in it with me, expressing my calling through work that feels like play, surrounded by a bounty of loving and inspiring people, I am struck by gratitude regularly. While my inner work and growth looks different than my scrappier days, it is no less textured. Growth and transformation create a deep and fulfilling life. No matter where you work, who you’re in a relationship with, where you live, or how much money you have, there is a perfect idea of and for your life.

That’s what I hope you will find.

Whether you are hungry for more joy, want a life of fulfillment, want to let go of limiting beliefs, or refuse to ever accept the label of victim, know that it is possible.

You don’t NEED to look outside yourself to awaken to the power and perfection that resides right where you are. You have the answer, because you are the answer.

Take care of yourself…if you don’t, no one else will.

Lola Wright signature glasses